How DMPS Plans to Make Up “Snow Days”
Fall Fun!
First Grade students had a blast playing in the leaves at recess. You can feel the season is changing.
Ticket Winners
Students at Lovejoy are earning tickets for modeling positive behavior. Lovejoy Cruisers are working hard to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE. Tickets are drawn two times per week. Students who are selected are able to choose from a …
Attendance Challenge!
Lovejoy strives for having high attendance. We are holding an attendance challenge the week of October 29 through November 2, 2018. The top two grade levels with the highest attendance will get the opportunity to attend an Iowa …
Great Things are Happening to Lovejoy for the 2019-20 School Year
Lovejoy will begin construction Spring of 2019! Please follow the link to see the BIG changes heading our way!
Scouting the Routes for Safe Walks to School
The school bell times at Lovejoy will change with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year. Our new start time is 7:30 AM and we will dismiss at 2:25 PM, with a 75 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please click on the headline to learn more about how we are engaging our staff to ensure an orderly transition when school resumes August 23.
Kindness shown through Coat Donation
Lovejoy would love to give a very special thank you to Bob Walker and Josiah Hanan along with their staff at New Life Center Church. Over 75 coats were donated to Lovejoy Elementary.
New School Hours Beginning in August
Beginning in August, all schools at DMPS will have new hours. The new hours at our school will be 7:30 AM to 2:25 PM. The change is being made to better serve the educational needs of students, based on research into the sleep patterns of children and teenagers. Click the headline for more information.
Virtual Backpack Replaces Paper Flyers
No more pulling crumpled paper flyers from your student’s backpack! Opportunities in the community will now be available online, instead of jumbled up with homework and artwork. Read about child-friendly community events and opportunities, or post a flyer of your own. Click on the headline to read more about Virtual Backpack.